/* ---------------------------------------------------------- * Uncode App * ---------------------------------------------------------- */ (function($) { "use strict"; var UNCODE = window.UNCODE || {}; window.UNCODE = UNCODE; window.requestAnimFrame = (function() { return window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.oRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame || function(/* function */ callback, /* DOMElement */ element){ window.setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 60); }; })(); window.requestTimeout = function(fn, delay) { if( !window.requestAnimationFrame && !window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame && !(window.mozRequestAnimationFrame && window.mozCancelRequestAnimationFrame) && // Firefox 5 ships without cancel support !window.oRequestAnimationFrame && !window.msRequestAnimationFrame) return window.setTimeout(fn, delay); var start = new Date().getTime(), handle = new Object(); function loop(){ var current = new Date().getTime(), delta = current - start; delta >= delay ? fn.call() : handle.value = requestAnimFrame(loop); }; handle.value = requestAnimFrame(loop); return handle; }; window.clearRequestTimeout = function(handle) { if ( typeof handle !== 'undefined' ) { window.cancelAnimationFrame ? window.cancelAnimationFrame(handle.value) : window.webkitCancelAnimationFrame ? window.webkitCancelAnimationFrame(handle.value) : window.webkitCancelRequestAnimationFrame ? window.webkitCancelRequestAnimationFrame(handle.value) : /* Support for legacy API */ window.mozCancelRequestAnimationFrame ? window.mozCancelRequestAnimationFrame(handle.value) : window.oCancelRequestAnimationFrame ? window.oCancelRequestAnimationFrame(handle.value) : window.msCancelRequestAnimationFrame ? window.msCancelRequestAnimationFrame(handle.value) : clearTimeout(handle); } }; if ( SiteParameters.smoothScroll === 'on' && ! 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document.getElementById('unmodal-content') : window, element: el, handler: function() { var $anims = $('.heading-text-highlight-inner[data-animated="yes"]', this.element), anims_l = $anims.length; $anims.each(function(_key_, _el_){ var $anim = $(_el_); if ( ! $anim.hasClass('heading-text-highlight-animated') ) { $anim.addClass('heading-text-highlight-animated'); if ( $heading.data('animate') === true ) { $anim.css({ '-webkit-transition-duration': '0ms', '-moz-transition-duration': '0ms', '-o-transition-duration': '0ms', 'transition-duration': '0ms', }); } else { $anim.css({ '-webkit-transition-delay': ((_key_ + 2) * 200) + 'ms', '-moz-transition-delay': ((_key_ + 2) * 200) + 'ms', '-o-transition-delay': ((_key_ + 2) * 200) + 'ms', 'transition-delay': ((_key_ + 2) * 200) + 'ms', }); } } }); $anims.last().one('webkitTransitionEnd oTransitionEnd mozTransitionEnd msTransitionEnd transitionEnd', function(e) { $heading.data('animate', true); }); $anims.removeAttr('data-animated'); }, offset: '100%' }); }); Waypoint.refreshAll(); $( document.body ).trigger('uncode_waypoints'); } requestTimeout(function(){ highlightStill(); $(window).on( 'resize', function(){ clearRequestTimeout(setCTA); setCTA = requestTimeout( highlightStill, 100 ); }); }, 400); }; UNCODE.isUnmodalOpen = false; var manageVideoSize = function(){ var setVideoFit; $('.wp-block-embed').each(function(){ var $this = $(this); if ( $('iframe', $this).length ) { var $iframe = $('> iframe, > a > iframe', $this), w = parseFloat($iframe.attr('width')), h = parseFloat($iframe.attr('height')), url = $iframe.attr('src'), ratio, frW; if ( typeof url != 'undefined' && url.indexOf('soundcloud') == -1 && h !== 0 ) { ratio = h / w; var setResizeiFto, resizeiFrame = function(){ frW = $iframe.width(); $iframe.css({ height: frW * ratio }); }; resizeiFrame(); $(window).on( 'resize load', function(){ clearRequestTimeout(setResizeiFto); setResizeiFto = requestTimeout( function() { resizeiFrame(); }, 10 ); }); } } }); }; manageVideoSize(); UNCODE.vivus = function(icon, time, delay, file) { if (typeof Vivus !== 'undefined') { var icon_options = { type: 'delayed', pathTimingFunction: Vivus.EASE_OUT, animTimingFunction: Vivus.LINEAR, duration: time, } if (delay) { icon_options.delayStart = delay; } if (file) { icon_options.file = file; } new Vivus(icon, icon_options); } }; UNCODE.lastURL = ''; UNCODE.getURLParams = function(current_location, is_string) { var params = {}; if (is_string) { var url = current_location.split('?')[1]; } else { var url = current_location.search; url = url.substring(1); } if (url) { var parts = url.split('&'); for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) { var nv = parts[i].split('='); if (!nv[0]) { continue; } params[nv[0]] = nv[1] || true; } } return params; } UNCODE.hasEqualURLParams = function(obj1, obj2) { for (var i in obj1) { if (obj1.hasOwnProperty(i)) { if (!obj2.hasOwnProperty(i)) { return false; } if (obj1[i] != obj2[i]) { return false; } } } for (var i in obj2) { if (obj2.hasOwnProperty(i)) { if (!obj1.hasOwnProperty(i)) { return false; } if (obj1[i] != obj2[i]) { return false; } } } return true; } UNCODE.magnetic = function(){ $(document).on('mousemove', '.un-magnetic-zone', function(e){ var $zone = $(this), zoneOff = $zone.offset(), $mgntcEl = $('.un-magnetic-el', this), elBound = this.getBoundingClientRect(), maxSize = Math.max($zone.outerWidth(), $zone.outerHeight()); var Xvalue = e.pageX - (zoneOff.left + maxSize / 2), Yvalue = e.pageY - (zoneOff.top + maxSize / 2); $mgntcEl.each(function(key, val){ var magneticValue = $(val).attr('data-mgntc') || 0.5; val.animate({ transform: 'translate(' + (Xvalue * magneticValue) + '%, ' + (Yvalue * magneticValue) + '%)', },{ duration: 500, fill: 'forwards', }) }); }) $(document).on('mouseleave', '.un-magnetic-zone', function(e){ var $mgntcEl = $('.un-magnetic-el', this); $mgntcEl.each(function(key, val){ val.animate({ transform: 'translate(0)', },{ duration: 500, fill: 'forwards', }) }); }) }; UNCODE.rowParallax = function(){ if ( SiteParameters.is_frontend_editor || SiteParameters.smoothScroll !== 'on' ) { return; } var $rows = $('.parallax-move'), stableHeight = UNCODE.wheight; $rows.each(function(){ var $row = $(this), _row = $row[0], dataMove = $row.attr('data-parallax-move'), dataSafe = $row.attr('data-parallax-safe'), rowInViewport = false, trans; if ( $row.find('.parallax-move').length ) { return; } dataSafe = typeof dataSafe === 'undefined' ? '' : dataSafe; dataMove = typeof dataMove === 'undefined' || dataMove === '' ? 3 : dataMove; dataMove = dataMove / 10; if ( 'IntersectionObserver' in window ) { var observer = new IntersectionObserver(function(entries) { entries.forEach(function(entry){ if ( entry.isIntersecting ) { rowInViewport = true; } else { rowInViewport = false; } }); }, { root: document, }); observer.observe(_row); } else { rowInViewport = true; } var loopRAF = function() { if( rowInViewport ) { var bound = _row.getBoundingClientRect(), bound_top = bound.top, bound_height = bound.height, move = true, scrolled = window.pageYOffset || window.document.documentElement.scrollTop, docH = Math.max( document.body.scrollHeight, document.body.offsetHeight, document.documentElement.clientHeight, document.documentElement.scrollHeight, document.documentElement.offsetHeight ), fromBottom = docH - (scrolled + bound_top + bound_height); if ( bound_height > stableHeight && dataSafe === 'yes' ) { $row.find('>div').css({ 'transform':'none' }); move = false; } if ( UNCODE.wwidth < SiteParameters.smoothScrollQuery ) { $row.find('>div').css({ 'transform':'none' }); move = false; } if ( move ) { if ( fromBottom < stableHeight ) { //maybe Footer trans = (stableHeight - (bound_top + bound_height + fromBottom))*(dataMove); } else if ( scrolled + bound_top < stableHeight ) { //maybe Header trans = scrolled*(dataMove); } else { trans = (((stableHeight/2) - (bound_top + (bound_height/2)))*dataMove); } $row.find('>div').css({ 'transform':'translateY(' + (trans) + 'px) translateZ(0)', }); } } requestAnimationFrame(loopRAF); }; requestAnimationFrame(loopRAF); }); $(window).on( 'load resize', function(e) { if ( ! 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